On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! It’s back 2 school for all students including those with learning disabilities.

The first day of school is just around the corner for many students with learning disabilities. Excitement is in the air. However, many parents and students tend to get a little anxious.
They really don’t know what to expect from their child’s teacher, especially when their child has a disability.
For many students who learn to the beat of their own drum (and their parents), the summer provides a break from school/learning-related issues, social, emotional, behavioral, suspensions, constant calls, etc. However, with the start of a new school year, there is always the possibility of all those school/learning-related issues rearing their ugly heads.
Being proactive is the key to helping avert some of the anxiety that both students and parents may feel. Change is difficult for all students, but this is especially true for students with disabilities. It’s important that parents take extra steps to ensure the best start to a new academic year.
4 Quick Back-2-School to Do’s for Students with Learning Disabilities

Here are a few things you may think about and discuss with your student(s):
1. Get excited about the new school year. Your child will follow your lead. Express your excitement about the new school year and point out the exciting opportunities and activities your child has to look forward to. Ask your child what most excites them. Make shopping for school supplies fun.
2. Talk about the upcoming school year. Encourage your child to get involved in sports, band, clubs, and other after-school activities. Help your child to pick electives and exploratory classes that best fit their interests and strengths.
3. Communication is essential. Find out who will be teaching your child. Ask your child’s teacher if there will be an Open House night before school starts. If not, ask if you could come to introduce yourself and your child before the big first day.
Assure your students’ teachers that you look forward to working with them and that you see your relationship with them as a partnership. Be sure to leave your phone number and email and ask for their phone number and email number as well. (Some teachers may be reluctant to give out their personal number. That is fine, but you should still ask.)
4. Discuss before and after school routines with your child. Also, discuss expectations about homework and study times. You can also help your child develop goals and a plan of action to accomplish those goals.
Hopefully, these tips will help to ease any tension and stress and clear the path for a smooth school year. If you happen to have an older student, say a senior. You may want to read this.
Have a fantastic new year!